It´s My
"Mongolia is truly one of the world's last undiscovered travel destinations and the safest country to visit. It is a land where you can experience wide-open spaces, cobalt blue skies, forests, deserts, crystal clear rivers and lakes, and the traditional hospitality of the nomads. Permanent dwellings are few and far between, fences even fewer and the land is owned by the people, like one large National Park. As a tremendous destination to experience the outdoors, Mongolia also boasts of unique history dating back to the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan. Simply put, it is a land of adventure, horses, nomads, and blue sky."
Lyse Netter er en festival med musikk, kunst og litteratur på programmet. Den avholdes i idylliske/historiske/urbane omgivelser i Møllebyen i Moss sentrum.
Cantus Map, som kan oversettes til Sangkart, er et sjangeroverskridende prosjekt der flere kunstuttrykk flettes sammen, som musikk, lydkunst, performance, billedkunst og dans. Verket er en korperformance som utføres av seks kvinnelige korister, akkompagnert av abstrakte lydlandskaper og synth. Korstykkene er inspirert av norsk folkemusikk og kirkemusikk fra middelalderen. De er melodiøse og klangbaserte, og skal synges på ordlyder i stedet for tekst. I utformingen av koristenes drakter har inspirasjon fra japansk tradisjonsdesign og benediktinske nonnedrakter stått sentralt. Draktene er designet av Ingrid Pettersson og er dekorert med et tekstilprint som er basert på Aasvangs akvarellmalerier.
Prosjektet er inspirert av Hildegard Von Bingen sitt verk Ordo Virtutum
og er et toneutforskende stykke som synges på ordlyder, ikke tekst. Intensjonen er å åpne opp multikunstverket for mennesker i alle aldere.
Verket snakker direkte til folks sanseapparat og følelser.
Dirigent: Tale Vang Ellefsen
Klesdesigner: Ingrid Pettersson
Lydkunst: Kristine Marie Aasvang
Sanger: Signe Marie Rustad
Sanger: Malin Pettersen
Sanger: Stine Andreassen
Sanger: Live Miranda Solberg
Sanger: Ane Brun
Sanger: Linn Frøkedal
Foto: Julia Marie Naglestad
"This is an exciting and unique opportunity to take part in the traditional Tusheti horse drive. In the autumn, riders will herd approximately 50 free running horses 250km from their summer pastures in the Tusheti mountains to their winter grazing in the Vashlovani National Park, in spring they are moved back up the mountains.
Before beginning this epic trail, riders will have a chance to get to know their horses. It is up to the riders to keep the herd together as they drive them down the mountains or across the plains, but there is also time to admire the stunning views along the way. On Day 5 the horses rest and riders get to explore some of the local villages and monasteries and enjoy dinner and wine tasting at a small family winery using traditional Georgian wine making technology. Once you have completed the mountain section of the trail, ride through vineyards, urban areas and open plains and down into the pastures in the Vashlovani National Park. The lower section of the ride offers lots of chances for trots and canters, therefore riders will need to be confident at all gaits and riding fitness is essential, as we expect to cover up to 50km per day, with up to 9 hrs in the saddle. You will also need to be good with heights as the winding mountain pass is 2800m high!"